Monday, July 24, 2006


Last week marked the 70th anniversary of the famous 1936 German referendum where, weeks after invading the Rhineland, Adolph Hitler received a staggering 99 percent approval rating. 99 percent thought he was on the right track. And today, there is one thing everyone, Democrat or Republican, left or right, agrees about: There is no one worse than Hitler. And with his approval ratings at a new low, President Bush is just proving, once and for all, that he's the President least like Hitler.

Let's compare Bush to another president. Not on the Approval Scale, but on the Hitler Scale. With an approval rating of 99 percent, on the Hitler Scale, Hitler himself scores one full Hitler. John F. Kennedy had an approval rating of 63 percent. Pretty good, for a Nazi. He scores two-thirds of a Hitler.

But, in these recent polls, President Bush barely scores one-third of a Hitler. You don't get any more less Hitler than that. And folks, it takes courage to be this little like Hitler. It takes a real leader to continue policies the vast majority of Americans clearly want to stop!

The President's going to keep doing his job: invading countries preemptively, maintaining secret programs to monitor citizens, and ignoring any attempt Congress may make to curtail his executive powers. And America, you've got to keep doing your job: disapproving of what the President does. Not only will this prove he's not Hitler, it will prove we're not Nazis.


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