Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Moral Minority

Ralph Reed helped build a mighty Republican Christian machine that swung the country for George Bush in 2000 and 2004. To preserve Christian values, he brought innovative, new ideas. In fact, he’s the embodiment of Christian values, like ‘love thy neighbor.’ Ralph’s neighbor is Jack Abramoff.

And, when he came upon Abramoff along the side of the road, he did what any good Samaritan would do: he took $4 million of an Indian tribe’s money and gave it to an anti-gambling Christian group to shut down a competing tribe’s casino. But, first, he laundered that money. He laundered it through a bogus charity. Well, bogus or not, it’s one of the Christian virtues.

And, Ralph Reed is also very humble. He never said a public word about this casino deal. Ralph’s whole career, in fact, has been built on the Golden Rule. But, in this race, that wasn’t enough, and that says something terrible about voters.

It’s too late for you to elect Ralph Reed, but you can elect his values, by voting for candidates like North Carolina representative Charles Taylor, who earned an A on the Christian Coalition’s voting scorecard. And now, he’s taking heat just because he threw the moneylenders out of the temple. Okay, the official allegation is conspiracy to commit bank fraud, but that’s just semantics.

Or, Colorado representative Marilyn Musgrave. The Christian Coalition gave her a perfect score, and now this good woman is being accused of running her campaign out of her official office, which is illegal. She explained that she was just running it out of the same building, in suite 777. Her critics point out that there is no suite 777 in that building, but the truth is, it’s just that non-believers can’t see it.

These are but two of hundreds of examples of candidates fighting for our Christian values. I don’t have time to name them all. But, folks, it’s crucial that we support them in memory of the political career of Ralph Reed. If we don’t, Republicans could lose control of Congress.


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